Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sunday Paper Coupons

Did you know that different papers have different coupons within the same region? I didn't until recently. I knew of regional differences, but I did not expect such a difference in coupons available in the inserts. The Meridian Star is 50 cents more than the Clarion Ledger and both seem to have the same coupons. After noticing the skimpy insert this past Sunday, I googled the states papers. It seems like the Northeast Mississippi paper , The Daily Journal, has the best coupons. Last week, just glancing, there was probably 7 or more coupons in its insert that the ledger didn't have.  I checked and there is no delivery for Noxapater, but the website did provide a number to contact for information regarding postal delivery. Lol 4 or 6 papers... I'll need a bigger box. Maybe I should be google-ing clipping services instead.

I also read that the Orlando and Miami papers have the best coupons as far as regions go. Get a subscription or pay a clipping service. Digital editions usually do not have coupons, so don't buy that.

Here's a hint... if you are using coupons.com or the app for coupons... go into settings and change your zip code to various cities in different regions to see if there's any different coupons available. Sometimes there are. Please note that products available vary by region too, so if you haven't ever heard of a product chances are you can't get it here.

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